To be let by tender. A block of productive arable land extending to approximately 19.20 acres (7.76ha.) Offered as a whole. Tender Closing Date: 12 Noon on Wednesday 26 March 2025, available to let on an initial term of 3 years.
Introduction - The land at Broomhill Farm is to be let on a Farm Business Tenancy Agreement, offered as a whole only. The land will be available to occupy on an initial term of 3-years commencing 1st April 2025.
The land offers an opportunity to acquire a block of productive arable land which has been used for forage production and grazing in the past.
Please note there are no dwellings or farm buildings included.
Permitted Use - The land is currently all grassland but the landlord is willing to allow the land to be used for arable farming, subject to being drilled back to grass at the end of the tenancy.
Situation - The land at Broomhill Farm can be accessed directly off the road between the South Petherton roundabout and Seavington St Michael, next to The Trading Post Farm Shop.
The Land - The soil types commonly found in the area are Grade 1 freely draining slightly acid loamy.
Tenancy - There will be a standard 3 yearly Rent Review Clause with the first possible review date being 1st April 2028.
Basic Payment Scheme And Stewardship Schemes - No entitlements are included in the sale. None of the land is currently entered into any Stewardship Schemes.
Services - The land is connected to mains water
Ingoing Valuation - There will be no ingoing valuation. The tenant is to contribute £250+VAT towards cost of the Schedule of Condition and preparing the Tenancy documents.
Wayleaves, Easements & Reservations - The property is let subject to, and with the benefit of, all existing wayleaves, easements and rights of way whether public or private, specifically mentioned or not.
Sporting Rights - All sporting rights, including pest control are reserved by the Landlord.
Additional Information - The tenant will not be permitted to assign, underlet or part with possession of the whole or any part of the interest. Each party shall bear their own costs in the preparation, approval, and completion of the Farm Business Tenancy (FBT). The tenant shall be responsible for submitting the Stamp Duty Land Tax return and for the payment of any Stamp Duty Land Tax in respect of the FBT if chargeable
Tender - Tenders are to be submitted on the approved form and to arrive no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 26 March 2025 at the offices of Symonds & Sampson, 2 Court Ash, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1HG. The envelope should be marked "Land at Lopen" or emailed to with "Land at Lopen" as the subject.
Please note the landlord is in no way bound to accept any or the highest tender. As much detail as possible should be provided in the tender to allow the landlord to consider the quality of the proposal.