A mid– terrace, light industrial unit / warehouse providing 5,394 sq. ft (501.1 sqm) of space with an eaves height of 3.78m and ridge height of 5.22m, roller shutter door, kitchen and WC facilities.
The property is situated in the village of Combs approximately 2 miles south of Stowmarket, 14 miles north of Ipswich and 30 miles north of Felixstowe.
From Stowmarket heads out of the town of Gipping Road (A1308) in South Easterly direction. At the roundabout, take the fourth exit; Needham Road towards Combs. Continue along Needham Road, taking the second left after the mini-roundabout onto Poplar Hill. Follow this road for approximately 1.5 miles where the property will be found on the right hand side, off Tannery Road within Combs Tannery.
The premises comprise a mid-terrace light industrial unit / warehouse constructed with blockwork base and steel portal frame. Newly installed insulated cladding to the upper elevations and pitched roof panels. Providing open space to a total of 5,394 sq. ft including kitchen and WC facilities. Access is via a roller shutter door or pedestrian door.
The premises are available to rent on a new lease (terms to be agreed) at an annual rent of £35,000 per annum exclusive. Any lease will be excluded from the security of tenure provisions of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954. The lease will on the basis of full repairing and insuring obligations. A deposit will be held by the Landlord equivalent to three months rent.
We understand mains water and electricity are connected to the site with foul drainage.
Use & Planning
The premises are suitable for storage and distribution uses within a B8 use of light industrial uses within an E g (ii,iii) use class. Interested parties should make their own enquiries to the LPA.
Rating = D(81)
Legal Costs
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.
Service Charge
The tenant will be responsible for a fair and reasonable proportion of the service charge.
Rateable Value/Business Rates
Rateable Value—£17,000. Rates Payable £8,483 pa. Further information available from Mid Suffolk Council.
Local Authority
Mid Suffolk Councill
By prior appointment through sole agents Clarke & Simpson; 01728 724200
1. Every care has been taken with the preparation of these particulars, but complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. If there is any point, which is of particular importance to you, please obtain professional confirmation. Alternatively, we will be pleased to check the information for you. These Particulars do not constitute a contract or part of a contract. All measurements quoted are approximate. The Fixtures, Fittings & Appliances have not been tested and therefore no guarantee can be given that they are in working order. Photographs are reproduced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown is included. No guarantee can be given that any planning permission or listed building consent or building regulations have been applied for or approved. The agents have not been made aware of any covenants or restrictions that may impact the property, unless stated otherwise. Any site plans used in the particulars are indicative only and buyers should rely on the Land Registry/transfer plan.
2. The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 require all Estate Agents to obtain sellers’ and buyers’ identity.
Reference: 33756
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