Storage barn/warehouse of 332 sq.m (3,572sq.ft) last in agricultural use.
Situated adjoining the A12 to the north of Woodbridge. Good proximity to Sizewell C.
Available Immediately
The premises are situated in a farmyard that adjoins the A12 at Ufford, just north of Woodbridge. Woodbridge is a thriving Suffolk market town located on the River Deben, approximately 9 miles north east of the county town of Ipswich.
Approx distances: Woodbridge 2.6 miles, Ipswich 10.2 miles, Sizewell 14.4 miles and Lowestoft 34.5 miles.
From Woodbridge, proceed north on the A12 for approximately 1.5 miles. After the Ufford Road turning to Bredfield, the property will be found on the left hand side, just before the A12 widens to dual carriageway.
For those using the What3Words app: ///basics.halt.cackling
The unit comprises an uninsulated agricultural barn of 332sq.m (3,572sq.ft). The premises benefits from a large electric roller shutter door, personnel door and a level internal concrete floor.
Parking is available to the front of the unit, with space for circa 5-6 vehicles Further parking and yard space may be available via separate negotiation.
Internal dimensions/measurements:-
Main door - 5.08m high by 6.13m wide
Maximum Internal Area - 18.61m x 17.84m maximum with a number of supporting columns dividing the space.
Eaves Height - TBC
Ridge Height - TBC
The premises are available to rent on a new licence to occupy at an annual rent of £14,000 per annum exclusive.
A deposit will be held by the Landlord equivalent to three months rent.
The Landlord will insure the building and recharge the premium to the Tenant.
Electricity is connected to the property. Note: water and wc facilities are not available.
Electricity charges will be the responsibility of the Tenant.
Rateable Value
Currently unrated. The tenant to be responsible for business rates if applicable.
Not applicable.
Local Authority
East Suffolk Council.
EPC not required by virtue of its use.
By prior appointment with Clarke & Simpson.
1. Every care has been taken with the preparation of these particulars, but complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. If there is any point, which is of particular importance to you, please obtain professional confirmation. Alternatively, we will be pleased to check the information for you. These Particulars do not constitute a contract or part of a contract. All measurements quoted are approximate. The Fixtures, Fittings & Appliances have not been tested and therefore no guarantee can be given that they are in working order. Photographs are reproduced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown is included. No guarantee can be given that any planning permission or listed building consent or building regulations have been applied for or approved. The agents have not been made aware of any covenants or restrictions that may impact the property, unless stated otherwise. Any site plans used in the particulars are indicative only and buyers should rely on the Land Registry/transfer plan.
2. The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 require all Estate Agents to obtain sellers’ and buyers’ identity.
Reference: 38951
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