Ashfield, Nr Debenham

Floorplans For Ashfield, Nr Debenham



The land extends to approximately 159.92 acres (64.72 hectares) and comprises a productive block of arable land located in a desirable location on the outskirts of Ashfield, near Debenham.

Method of Sale 

We are instructed to offer the land for sale by private treaty inviting offers for the whole with the intention of achieving exchange of contracts as soon as possible with completion four weeks thereafter. 

It is expected that the purchaser will be required to sign an ‘Exclusivity Agreement’ with a 5% ‘Exclusivity Fee’ paid to and held by the Vendor’s solicitor. A copy of the draft ‘Exclusivity Agreement’ is available from the Agent. 

Vendor’s Solicitor

The seller’s solicitor is Kersey’s Solicitors, 32 Lloyds Avenue, Ipswich, IP1 3HD. For the attention of: Mehmet Duzgun; email: Tel: 01473 407107. 


Ashfield is located just two miles to the west of the popular village of Earl Soham.  Earl Soham benefits from a primary school, butchers/delicatessen, pub, The Victoria, doctors surgery, tennis court and village hall.   The historic market town of Framlingham, with its fine medieval castle and good selection of shops, restaurants and pubs, is about six miles to the east. The town also provides a choice of schooling in both the state and private sectors.  There is further shopping and schooling available in the large village of Debenham, which lies about four miles to the west and benefits from local shops and services.  There are rail services from both Stowmarket and Ipswich, with regular direct services to London’s Liverpool Street station.  


The property comprises eight fields and is a productive and good sized block of arable land - extending in all, to approximately 159.92 acres (64.72 hectares), as shown for identification purposes outlined red on the enclosed plan. The land has been farmed to a high standard and the cropping has typically been under a white straw rotation of wheat, barley, oil seed rape and beans.

The land is gently undulating and classified as Grade 3 under the DEFRA 1:250,000 Land Classification Map. The soil type is classified as ‘Chalky Till’, being a productive loamy and clayey soil, ideally suited to arable and grass rotations.

The land adjoins and can be accessed from Grove Lane to the south.  The land is comprehensively drained and a copy of the drainage plans are available for inspection with the Agent.


At any reasonable time, with particulars in hand, by prior arrangement with the Agents.   

Rights of Way, Wayleaves, Easements Etc.

The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, wayleaves and easements that may  affect the land. A new right of way has been granted and is shown coloured blue on the Sale Plan. There are public footpaths running along the tracks to the east, west and north of Grove Lane.  Grove Lane is understood to be a public highway Open to All Traffic. 

Timber, Sporting and Minerals

All sporting rights, standing timber and mineral rights (except as reserved by statute or to the Crown), in so far as they are owned, are included in the sale of the freehold.   

Environmental Stewardship Scheme

The land is not currently within an Environmental Stewardship Scheme.


The vendor shall not be required to define any further boundaries on the ground.  These are shown for identification purposes only outlined red on the enclosed plan. Purchasers should satisfy themselves with regard to these and no error, omission or misstatement will allow the purchaser to rescind the contract nor entitle either party to compensation thereof.  

The property is registered with the Land Registry under part Title Number SK342022.

The purchaser will be required to erect a fence (with a minimum of wooden posts and wire) along the newly created boundary between points ‘A’ and ‘B’ & ‘C’ and ‘D’ on the sale plan.  

Town and Country Planning

The property is sold subject to any development plans, tree preservation orders, ancient monument orders and Town and Country schedules or other similar matters that may be or come into force.

Outgoings & VAT

The land is sold subject to any drainage rates and other outgoings that may be relevant. Should any sale of the land, or any right attached to it, become a chargeable supplier for the purpose of VAT, such VAT shall be payable by the purchaser in addition to the contract price. 

Quotas and Basic Payment Scheme

No Entitlements nor any other quotas are available with the land. The Vendor will retain any delinked payments associated with the land. 

Tenure and Possession

The land is sold freehold with vacant possession. 

Information Pack

An ‘Information Pack’ containing further details relating to the land (previous cropping, land drainage, soil indices etc) is available for inspection at the agent’s office or can be e-mailed to interested parties.


1.    These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract. No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by intending purchasers or lessees in inspecting properties which have been sold, let or withdrawn. Interested parties should rely on their own/their surveyors investigations as to the construction type of the property and its condition. Any distances, and measurements which are given are approximate only. Any plans are indicative only and may not be the same as the transfer plan/s.  No guarantee can be given that any planning permissions, building contents or building regulations have been applied for or approved.

2.    Under Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 we, as Estate Agents, are required to obtain identification from buyers in the form of the photo page of your passport or a photo driving licence. The document must be in date.  In addition, we need proof of address in the form of a utility bill with the name and address of the buyer. This must not be more than three months old. We are also under obligation to check where the purchase funds are coming from.  June 2024


Clark & Simpson

Clark & Simpson

Well Close Square
IP13 9DU

+44 (0)1728 724200

Reference: 892144

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