The land lies in a most attractive rural location within the Alde Valley, surrounding the highly desirable village of Sweffling in East Suffolk.
Sweffling is an attractive village situated about four miles from the historic town of Framlingham which offers an excellent range of shops and other facilities including popular schools in both the state and private sector. The market town of Saxmundham lies within about three miles with a further range of shopping facilities as well as a railway station with connections through to Ipswich and some direct trains on to London's Liverpool Street station.
The Heritage Coast at Aldeburgh lies within about eleven miles and there is easy access via the A12 further up the coast and down to the County Town of Ipswich, which lies about eighteen miles to the south-west.
Method of Sale
We have been instructed to offer the property for sale by private treaty inviting offers for the whole or in up to four lots with the intention of achieving exchange of contracts as soon as possible with completion four weeks thereafter or sooner by agreement. The Vendor would favour selling the property as a whole.
It is expected that the purchaser/s will be required to sign an ‘Exclusivity Agreement’ with a 5% ‘Exclusivity Fee’ being paid to and held by the Vendor’s solicitor. A copy of the draft ‘Exclusivity Agreement’ is available from the Agent.
Vendors’ Solicitor
Marshall Hatchick, Old Bank House, Market Place, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 1EL. Telephone: 01728 602323 Contact Name: James Robbins. Email: james.robbins@marshallhatchickco.uk
Local Authority
East Suffolk Council, East Suffolk House, Station Road, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1RT.
The land at Sweffling offers the Purchaser an opportunity to acquire a block of arable land, grassland and woodland extending in all to approximately 173.85 acres (70.35 hectares).
Lying within the Alde Valley, the land enjoys a most attractive setting with undulating topography and boasts beautiful views across Sweffling, towards Rendham & Benhall. The land is classified as Grade 3 in the Land Classification Series of England & Wales, being predominantly of the Beccles soil series, a high yielding slowly permeable base-rich loamy and clayey soil type.
The land has been farmed in hand to a high standard under a contract farming arrangement. The contract farmer has indicated that they would be happy to continue farming the land for a purchaser/s.
There is good access into each lot directly from the public highway through a number of gateways or via internal tracks. The land has typically been in a white straw rotation of wheat, barley, oil seed rape, sugar beet and beans. The previous five year cropping schedule is available from the Agent.
The land is offered for sale in four lots and is shown for identification purposes outlined red, blue, green and black on the enclosed plan.
Lot 1 - Arable Land
83.83 acres (33.92 hectares) - outlined red on the enclosed plan.
Situated to the south of Poplar Farm, this lot comprises an attractive block of predominantly arable land with access off both the Glemham Road and Holdans Lane. The land slopes from west to east with gentle undulations. There is a small woodland copse in the centre of the lot, which can be accessed from a well established track which also gives access to four of the arable fields. Some of the land is planted within environmental stewardship options, with the remainder having been cultivated post harvest.
Lot 2 - Arable Land
51.58 acres (20.87 hectares) - outlined blue on the enclosed plan.
Lying to the north and west of the farm, this lot comprises productive arable land lying between the B1119 (Saxmundham Road) and Holdans Lane. Lot 2 consists of five arable fields with gentle rolling valleys either side of a watercourse, known as The Gull. The field boundaries are all well defined by mature trees, hedgerows and ditches. There is very good access off the public highway from the north, south and east. In addition, there is a well established internal farm track running from Holdens Lane into the centre of the land, next to Gull Cottage.
Lot 3 - Arable Land, Grassland and Woodland
26.68 acres (10.80 hectares) - outlined green on the enclosed plan.
This lot lies to the east of Sweffling village and adjoins both Glemham Road and Rendham Road. It consists of two arable fields, an attractive small block of mixed woodland and a field of permanent pasture that enjoys a beautiful setting abutting the River Alde. In addition to access off the two public highways, there is an internal farm track running from Rendham Road along the northern boundary of the arable land, down to the woodland and grassland.
Lot 4 - Arable Land
11.76 acres (4.76 hectares) - outlined black on the enclosed plan.
Comprising a good size arable field, situated between the B1119 (Saxmundham Road) and Mill Road. The main access point is off Mill Road on the southern side of the field.
At any reasonable time with particulars in hand by prior arrangement with the Agents.
Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, wayleaves and easements that may affect the land.
The Vendor will reserve rights of way to retained land over two access tracks as shown coloured yellow on the sale plan. The rights of way will be at all times and all purposes and maintenance shall be according to user.
Timber, Sporting and Minerals
All sporting rights, standing timber and mineral rights (except reserved by Statute or to the Crown) are included in the sale of the freehold. The property offers good sporting potential.
These are shown for identification purposes only on the attached plan. Purchasers should satisfy themselves with regard to these as no error, omission or misstatements will allow the purchaser to rescind the contract nor entitle either party to compensation thereof.
The land is registered with the Land Registry under Title Numbers SK377396.
Town and Country Planning
The property is sold subject to any development plans, tree preservation orders, ancient monument orders and Town and Country schedules or other similar matters that may be or come into force.
The land is sold subject to any drainage rates and other outgoings that may be relevant.
Should any sale of the land, or any right attached to it, become a chargeable supplier for the purpose of VAT, such VAT shall be payable by the purchaser in addition to the contract price.
Tenure and Possession
The land is for sale freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Quotas & Basic Payment Scheme
No Entitlements nor any other quotas are available with the land. The Vendor will receive and retain all de-linked Basic Payments relating to the land.
Environmental Stewardship Scheme
The land is within a Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier Agreement (Agreement Number 1447327) which runs from the 1st January 2023 through to 31st December 2027. The main options include permanent grassland with very low inputs, two year sown legume fallow, winter bird food, flower rich margins and 4-6 meter buffer strips on cultivated land.
The purchaser/s will be obligated to take on the requirements of the scheme through to its termination and a copy of the agreement is available from the Agent.
Ingoing Valuation
If applicable, in addition to the purchase price, the Purchaser will take over and pay for all cultivations and growing crops upon completion. Payment is to be made at the figure assessed by the Vendor’s agent based upon CAAV rates or contractors’ rates where applicable and invoiced costs of seed, fertiliser and sprays applied plus enhancement value.
Information Pack
An information pack containing further details relating to previous cropping, land drainage etc is available for inspection at the Agent’s Office or can be emailed to interested parties.
Lotting and Cross Rights
If the Property is sold in Lots, there may be reserved rights agreed to benefit each Lot and to ensure that continued access, maintenance and supply of services across the Property. Further details of these rights can be obtained from the Agents.
1. These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract. No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by intending purchasers or lessees in inspecting properties which have been sold, let or withdrawn. Interested parties should rely on their own/their surveyors investigations as to the construction type of the property and its condition. Any distances, and measurements which are given are approximate only. Any plans are indicative only and may not be the same as the transfer plan/s. No guarantee can be given that any planning permissions, building contents or building regulations have applied for or approved.
2. Under Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 we, as Estate Agents, are required to obtain identification from buyers in the form of the photo page of your passport or a photo driving licence. The document must be in date. In addition, we need proof of address in the form of a utility bill with the name and address of the buyer. This must not be more than three months old. We are also under obligation to check where the purchase funds are coming from.
September 2024
Simply fill out the form below or alternatively call us on 020 7839 0888